Befremdliche Illustrationen aus den Kontrollbunkern der amerikanischen Nuklearraketen:
Photograph by Robert Lyon, Courtesy of Daniel Friese
Photograph by Robert Lyon, Courtesy of Daniel Friese

Like the garish and cheeky illustrations etched across the noses of World War II aircraft, these images in launch control centers across the United States testify to the bravado of the men (and, from the mid-1980s onward, women) of what has been called “America’s Underground Air Force.” But they also reflect the sometimes surreal pressures faced by two-person missile crews on 24-hour duty alerts, waiting for a call to turn their missile launch keys and perhaps end civilization as we know it. “You’re sitting there waiting for the message you hope never comes,” says Tony Gatlin, who painted the Domino’s homage as a young deputy flight commander at Delta One in 1989. “That’s a pretty screwed up way of looking at the world.”

Designobserver: Blast-Door Art: Cave Paintings of the Nuclear Era

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